Valentines Day
PAW of Sweden´s Whistle lanyard is made of braided leather of the highest quality. Decorations of silver.
399 kr
PAW of Sweden´s whistle lanyard is made of braided leather of the highest quality. Decorations of silver.
399 kr
Smart Colour is a new generation of dummies with double function. Smart Colour dummies - makes it easier for you and put the dog in action.
89 kr
Pocket Hot Spot 80g is produced from extremely strong canvas. "Hot Spot", with it´s combination of colours, is a dummy that puts the dog's nose in work.
99 kr
Smart Colour is a new generation of dummies with double function. Ideal to train your dog marking ability with.
105 kr
Smart Colour is a new generation of dummies with double function. Smart Colour dummies - makes it easier for you and put the dog in action. Dummy Ball making your dog totally crazy for work.
109 kr
Dummy Ball is a new generation of dummies making your dog totally crazy for dummy work. It's a perfect compensation for tennis balls, you can use the ball to improve hunting skills as well.
109 kr
Dummy Marking will catch your dog’s eye every training session, whether you are working in the air or on the ground. Perfect for "Corner training".
115 kr
Dummy Marking will catch your dog’s eye every training session, whether you are working in the air or on the ground. Perfect for "Corner training".
115 kr
Dummy Marking will catch your dog’s eye every training session, whether you are working in the air or on the ground. Perfect for "Corner training".
125 kr